I left you with a question last week. Well, the answer would be, too numerous to mention, but i know that a tune Tia Storm would definitely drop to drive her human audience crazy would be; Get up everybody, by Byron Stingily. Check it out – www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZfTqqjoIsY
What about me, the author … who was I listening to during the writing of the sirens?
I totally re-discovered the bands from Seattle from the early 90’s: Pearl Jam, Sound Garden, Screaming Trees and particularly, Alice in Chains. (Tia listens to, Love Hate Love, when her marriage to Dante breaks up, in Soul Breather) But the band who I listened to in the forming stages and drove me to have the confidence to just do it, was Incubus. I love all their stuff, but Make Yourself, and Morning View were my driving force back then.
That just leaves Dante – a drunk reprobate and Jay’s partner in crime. He definitely got his grove on with Tia. Can you remember what they smooched to in Italy?