May 16, 2015 tracy

Tia Storm has three protectors and she loves each of them in their own way. Cash Reynolds, the cowboy takes on the father figure role. She met him when she was on remand in a young offenders institution. Where did i get my idea for prison inmates working with horses? Well, the answer is in…

May 9, 2015 tracy

I thought I’d share with you the picture that turned me on to my wonderful cover artist; Anna Dittmann. This picture is called Ink, and its aquatic feel told me like nothing else that this artist would understand my Sirens. The cold hard beauty of the colours and the soft femininity of the waves and…

May 2, 2015 tracy

Dante is definitely a lover not a fighter. When he whisks Tia off to Italy, and they hit a little night spot next to the lake, they chill, eat, dance and get acquainted with each other again. They dance to Sunshine Anderson’s, Heard it all before, and Faith Evan’s, Love Like this – (Click link…

April 25, 2015 tracy

I left you with a question last week. Well, the answer would be, too numerous to mention, but i know that a tune Tia Storm would definitely drop to drive her human audience crazy would be; Get up everybody, by Byron Stingily. Check it out – What about me, the author … who was I listening to…

April 18, 2015 tracy

It is fair to say; where on earth does she get her inspiration from for Tia and the world she comes from? The answer is as above :- 90’s House Music all night long … Being brought up with Soul and Reggae music, a DJ brother  and another a singer, Tia Storm just had to…